• Truth and Reconciliation Centre, M.Arch, UBC

    As part of our comprehensive design studio this past spring I partnered up with Roy Cloutier for the term.  Together we designed a Truth and Reconciliation Centre located…

  • System Integration, M.Arch, UBC

    The following drawing explores system integration for our Truth and Reconciliation Centre.  This is part of the comprehensive design studio, for which I am partnered…

  • Designing in Detail, M.Arch, UBC

    Roy Cloutier and I developed the following drawings to explore materiality and relationships in our building design through details for our Truth and Reconciliation Centre. This…

  • Truth and Reconciliation Centre, M.ARCH, UBC

    This past Thursday, my design partner Roy Cloutier and I gave our mid-term presentation for our Truth and Reconciliation Centre. This is a continuation from…

  • Site, Structure, Light and Air, M.ARCH, UBC

    The second week of our comprehensive design studio Roy and I continued our exploration of the experiential possibilities of a  Truth and Reconciliation Centre.  This…