Landscape & Canopy – attributed to E.R.A. Architects
Year: 2012 to 2013
Location: Lawrence Ave. E., Scarborough, ON
Consultants: Blackwell Bowick, Sustainable.TO,
Adam’s Eco, Tensile Integrity
Role: Lead Designer
The East Scarborough Storefront (ESS) is a community centre offering multiple supports and services to the diverse communities of East Scarborough. The design for the green roof pavilion and sports court was developed while working with the local youth through the Community Design Initiative. The design of the pavilion features a water-purifying hanging catenary green roof and a rainwater harvesting system. The construction uses a variety of reclaimed materials including telephone poles, chain-link fence, waterproofing membrane, fence posts, beverage crates and rain barrels.
The project was constructed with funding from Live Green Toronto and Maple Leaf Sports and Entertainment, using volunteer labour from local students, the ESS community, and the design team.